For more than 40 years Walter Jamieson has worked to bridge the academic and consultancy worlds through creativity, innovative and out-of-the-box thinking. His activities have been based on a sound set of responsible and sustainable values and principles. His activities include: early work in Canada using tourism and heritage resources as tools for community and economic development, research and consultancy work in China, extensive community-based tourism work in Asia, exploring the power of tourism as a tool for economic and social development, and leadership in creating an innovative service curriculum in Thailand.
Through his interdisciplinary education and experience, he brings creative thinking and practice in a number of areas through an integrated approach to analysis and problem-solving. He has shared this development as a consultant, teacher, trainer, author, facilitator and researcher in more than 20 countries. He has been a member of faculty and management at universities in the United States, Canada, Thailand and Japan. His academic experience has been coupled with a wide range of consultancy projects.
Based on a sound understanding of adult learning and development models he has been involved in a wide range of capacity building exercises in many parts of the world. As a professional planner he sees it as his responsibility to transfer knowledge and create learning and enabling environments that ensure public and private sector stakeholders can achieve their full potential.
He has held a number of executive positions in national and international organizations.
· Adjunct Professor, School of Hospitality and Tourism Management, Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada.
· Distinguished Adjunct Professor, Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand.
· Chief Innovation Officer, Green Door Solutions Ltd.
· Executive Senior Advisor, Design Fever 39.
· Member of the World Travel Market (WTM) Responsible Tourism Advisory Panel.
· Member, Academic Advisory Panel, The International Tourism Partnership.
· Director and Professor, Service Innovation Program, Thammasat University, Thailand
· Distinguished Fellow in Urban Design, Faculty of Architecture and Planning, Thammasat University, Thailand
· Dean and Professor, School of Travel Industry Management , University of Hawaii, Honolulu, USA
· Professor of Planning and Associate Dean, Faculty of Environmental Design, University of Calgary, Canada
· Professor/Coordinator, Urban Environmental Management Program, Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand
· Fellow of the Institute of Place Management
· Fellow of the Canadian Institute of Planners - FCIP
· Registered Public Planner - RPP - Ontario Planners Provincial Institute
Elected to the College of Fellows, Canadian Institute of Planners in 2012
Election to the Fellow of the Canadian Institute of Planners - the highest award the Institute can give to a planner. It is given only to members who exhibit the highest professional attainment and exhibit a wide breadth of experience within Canadian or International planning.
Recognized as one of the leaders at the University of Calgary for outstanding achievement at the annual Celebration of Excellence for contributions to the University of Calgary and the larger community in 2004
Queen's Jubilee Medal. 2003.​
Recognition of contribution to ICOMOS Canada as its representative at the international level. 1997.
Canadian Who's Who. 1991 to 2003
Teaching Excellence Award, The University of Calgary. 1989.
Association for Preservation Technology Award for Outstanding Service. 1987.
Edmonton River Valley Competition team. Award for heritage preservation. 1984.
Award by Calgary City Council for work in historic preservation in Calgary. 1984.
Heritage Canada Lieutenant Governor’s Award. 1984.
Exploration Grant, Canada Council. 1981.
Roger Soderstrom Fellowship, Alberta Historical Resources Foundation. 1980.
Faculty of Commerce and Social Science, University of Birmingham Research Grant. 1974-1975.
​​​​​​​​​Central Mortgage & Housing Corporation Graduate Fellowship. 1972-1973 and 1973-1974.